The Self
Scissors don't look bad on me.
you, with the short hair
your hands have stopped trembling
holding the scissors
in front of the mirror
this time, you know why you must do it.
holding the scissors
in front of the mirror
this time, you know why you must do it.
When they ask you how you take pot.
Cutie’s okay. She just has bad anxiety.
Not your babe.
When you’re having a good time but then you start thinking about your life.
Smokes don’t grow flowers.
Minnie mouse buries a body does some gardening.
The son that grew in the garden.
Found footage.
Me trying to keep my life together.
There will be times when you’d find life leaving you in the bathtub.
The doorway witch wants no trouble.
Dazed and detached. 🌿
Stop it, Sadness.
Basically, how I’ve been feeling recently.
What’s the point of hiding who you really are, when that’s all you can be?
What’s the point of hiding who you really are, when that’s all you can be?
What if life is our only chance to be this terribly beautiful embodiment of who or what we truly are? We, lost in our confusing thoughts as we wonder through a much more confusing place.
Maybe that’s why we’re all here after all, it’s some weird riddle that will probably end with ; all we had to do was be true to ourselves, why was that so hard?
- 4.43am , 28/9/15
Do not battle the void, delve into it.
Certain curtains.
4 AM - 1st January 2015
I see the devil in me
and I’m not sure if this scares me.
Elephant Oblivion, 2014
The elephant oblivion of remembering.
Flower tears?
She's Beauty.
Feelings and stuff, 2014
What a bore.
I was tired just now. The whole day was tiring. I’ve always been tired nowadays but then I stay up until 12am and I forget I need to sleep. And I guess that’s why I always do this. I like the quiet. I like the music through my headphones. I like allowing my thoughts to accompany me through the night. I like feeling like me without the consequences of being me. I like forgetting what the people around me expects me to be.
Repetitive problems, Anju. Repetitive. Shh not now subconscious shhh.