It's Raining In The Garden

It's Raining In The Garden, I would say is an experimental film, or so I would like to believe. The word (experimental)'s definition changes according to different people which in this case, the viewer. So yes, I did have a plot, well kinda but it's wholly up to the audience to perceive it. I'm still learning film so until I find how I would like to present a film, I'll be doing things like this and just... well experimenting. 

I filmed this in my masi's (aunt's) garden. I have always admire her garden even though I grew up around it. This filming of mine wasn't planed but just happened and as I filmed I began imagining how I wanted the end product to look like. And I'm very pleased with the outcome. 

I wanted this in black and white because firstly, I imagined it in black and white and I like how when a movie isn't in colour, the viewer focuses on other things like the movement and the sound of whatever is projected on the screen.